Monday, January 11, 2010

Piano Lessons With Yokewong, Keep The Arts In Our Children's Lives

Music is such an important part of our lives especially to children. It is important for children to play, listen and even sing music. Being exposed to the arts during their adolescence years is such an important part of growth.

With most activities being cut from school's these days we need to find classes and activities and instruction after school which is not an easy task. Band is still (for now) in most schools. So we as parents need to find alternatives like piano lessons, singing even theater classes elsewhere.

I took piano lessons when I was around seven years old. I can say that I can still play the piano to this day! I may not remember all the notes but I can still belt out chopsticks, batman and others with a couple minutes practice. Yes and I can still read music also.

Keep your kids involved in the Arts and help keep the Arts in our schools, it is so important.

Happy Winter ;)

Not surprising that piano lessons are available even online these days. Fancy electric keyboards have replaced the old standard Baldwin or Reed & Sons wood and ivory elephants we learned on about thirty five years ago.

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